{lucy} :: is ONE!! :: Raleigh baby photography :: Fuquay baby photographer :: One year portraits

Oh Miss Lucy! All smiles for her first birthday!  To document Lucy's first birthday, we first captured some cute shots and then she got to dig into the cake.. She didn't quite "smash" the cake, but I think she enjoyed the icing.  For cake smash sessions, I love keeping it simple with outfits.. after all, you're hoping they make a mess of their cake!  Bloomers or simply a diaper are perfect!  Mom picked up this adorable little cake from the local Walmart and we coordinated with balloons and a banner.  I'd say it was a pretty successful session.  Happy Birthday, Lucy! fuquay one year old baby photosfuquay one year old baby photosfuquay one year old baby photosfuquay one year old baby photosfuquay one year old baby photosfuquay one year old baby photosfuquay one year old baby photos


Cake Smash Sessions are a perfect conclusion to documenting your baby's first year and can be done outside or in-studio.

Amy Fansler is a natural, and studio light photographer based out of Fuquay-Varina, N.C. serving the greater Raleigh area (including Holly Springs, Apex, and Cary) who specializes in maternity, newborn, family, and senior portraits.

Contact her today to schedule your Newborn Session today!




#amyfanslerphotography on Instagram and Twitter!


{blakely} :: six month session :: milestone mini session :: Fuquay-Varina baby photography :: Raleigh photographer


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